In the fifth activity of the series, you will receive a comprehensive guide to cohort studies - from defining strengths and limitations to applying the results of a cohort study to patient scenarios.

Learn to identify the subcellular structure of neutrophils, review their function and role in inflammation, as well as recognize the neutrophil targets of commonly used antirheumatic drugs in this activity.

Randomized controlled trials (RCT) are an integral part of assessing efficacy. In this activity, you will learn when an RCT is appropriate, whether to trust the results, and how to interpret the results.

For further understanding of the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), this next activity will help you identify the immune components of preclinical RA and the implications for treatment of RA.

Rheum4Science T-Cells covers the biology and clinical research methodology of T-cell antigen, subsets, and TH subsets and their functions – all necessary for the knowledgeable practice of rheumatology.