Navigating This Activity
Click on a section name below to start or resume the activity. The activity must be completed sequentially. New sections will become available after completing the preceding section.
Click on a section name below to start or resume the activity. The activity must be completed sequentially. New sections will become available after completing the preceding section.
Steps to complete activity:
View the Activity Overview below.
Take the pre-evaluation.
After submitting the pre-evaluation, the pre-test will be available. You will have one attempt to complete the pre-test.
The system will display your pre-test results to help you identify knowledge gaps.
After completing the pre-test, the Activity Material section will be available. Click on the Activity Material section to begin the activity.
After you complete the activity, take the post-test and then complete the evaluation.
A score of XX% or higher on the post-test is required to receive credit and get a certificate.
After meeting all activity requirements, download and print your certificate.
You will also receive the certificate at the email on your account.
Click the link below to review the Activity Overview. Once you have done so, you will be able to proceed with the activity.